NSO Warns Of Moneypak Scam
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: | Media Contact: Jamie Bastas |
May 26, 2023 |
(757) 589-5692
The Norfolk Sheriff's Office has been notified that some Norfolk residents are receiving phone calls from a man identifying himself as Lieutenant Dan Glade with the Norfolk Sheriff’s Office. The man, who is not an employee of the Norfolk Sheriff’s Office, is telling citizens they have a warrant(s) for their arrest and need to purchase a Money Pak card for $500 and bring them to the Norfolk Sheriff’s Office to avoid being arrested. The number showing up on the Caller ID is not a number associated with the Norfolk Sheriff’s Office.
As a reminder, the Norfolk Sheriff's Office will never call asking for money and will never utilize MoneyPak cards as a form of payment.
Here are a couple of tips to help residents avoid falling victim to this scam:
• Be suspicious of callers who demand immediate payment for any reason.
• Never give card number and/or receipt information from your MoneyPak purchase to someone you don’t know or share that information by email or phone.
• Remember, government agencies will never contact you demanding immediate payment using a MoneyPak card
Please continue to remain vigilant about these scams and please don’t send any money to these callers. If you have been a victim of a scam or would like to report a scam, please report it the NSO Consumer Protection Unit at this link, https://norfolk-sheriff.com/fraudwatch.
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The Norfolk Sheriff's Office is a values driven organization
committed to public safety, public service, and public trust.