Norfolk Sheriff’s Office Hosts Book Drive
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: | Media Contact: Jamie Bastas |
January 23, 2024 |
(757) 589-5692
The Norfolk Sheriff’s Office is hosting a book drive to refresh the books available to inmates inside the Norfolk City Jail. The new and gently used books collected during this event will be added to the jail library for inmates to check out and read while incarcerated. The book drive began on Monday, January 16 and will continue until Monday, January 30, 2024. Citizens are welcome to drop-off paperback books in the bin located on the first floor of Norfolk City Hall (by the front entrance) Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. or in the bin located in the lobby of the Norfolk Sheriff’s Office Administration Building located at 140 East Street Norfolk, VA 23510 Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.
In order to be added to the jail library, all books must be paperback, cannot contain nudity or photos with undergarments showing, and cannot include drawings or pictures of weapons.
A copy of the flyer is included with this media advisory.
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The Norfolk Sheriff's Office is a values driven organization
committed to public safety, public service, and public trust.